This is a plugin for Godot 3.4 to directly import blender source files without needing to (manually) export to an intermediate format.Just save a `.blend` file, and open it as a scene in Godot!The `blender` executable must be on your `PATH`.
Adds six directional handles for scaling Spatials. Define applicable classes in CONTROL for Snap and SHIFT for Scale All. Change snap increment and keyboard shortcuts in
This tool does two things:* It creates ragdolls with RigidBodies and Generic6DOFJoints, instead of PhysicalBones.* It implements a simple animation tracer using joint motors, to mimic the popular method of creating Active Ragdolls[1].** WARNINGS AND USAGE ON GITHUB PAGE**The provided joint script is meant to create a Torque Driven[2] active ragdoll, however, given that it is attached to Joint nodes, its behaviour can be reprogramed, and adjusted for your own needs.[1] -[2] -
Quake .map file support for Godot.Qodot extends the Godot editor to import Quake .map files, and provides a data-driven framework for converting the entities and brushes contained therein into a custom node hierarchy.
A simple implementation of Nothke's spin blur in Godot.
Add an NImate node to the scene to begin - its variables should be self-explanatory.Requires Delicode NI mate. Use default settings with skeleton tracking enabled.Delicode NI mate Installers:Windows - - 64-bit - 32-bit -
SpriteMesh is a plugin for Godot that allows you to create 3D meshes based on a 2D sprite.
In-editor box modeling tools for ArrayMeshes.See for full documentation.
In-editor level creator based on voxels. After selecting a block from the panel to the left, you can place and delete blocks in your world. This can be used to make voxel based levels!Controls: < Left Click to place blocks>, <shift+left click to erase blocks>
Prerendered Flipbook Particle Effects for Godot's Asset Library.* 19 Flipbook Effects* 30+ FPS* Explosion Particles* Exploding Dust* Looping Clouds* Looping Fireballs* Looping Smoke
This plugin adds OpenXR support to Godot.Supports Windows, Linux and QuestWorks best with Godot 3.4
Character outline displaying addon.1.2 updates:* refactoring source 1.1 updates:* improved in cross with outlined object and hide object.