Template for Agar.io style games (without multiplayer)Include simple Bot for single-player
Preconfigured Template for Creating Android PluginsImprovements:- To define exportable methods, they only need to be public and contain the @GodotMethod annotation.- The template automatically collects these methods and exposes them to the Engine.- For now, signals are still defined in the initSignals() method.- The plugin exposes the class name as the plugin name in getPluginName().- Automatically generates the gdap file to start using the plugin right away.
A really simple first person template, containing really basic stuff for developing first person games. That includes:- Player with basic movement- Interaction system- Basic pause and main menu
Template for Hole.io style games
I've remade the cyanglaz plugin with .NET and added some functionalities.This tool allows you to display objects as cards in a TCG. Currently have:- Control node for laying out cards in a hand layout.- View hand layout directly in the editor. Any update on the variables reflect on the cards position in real time.- Configurable hover animation.- Node-free solution for providing layout information for a hand layout.- Dragging cards.- Draw cards from a deck.- Rearrange cards while dragging them around.- Activate card effect (with click or dragging them to a Playable Area)-
ChunkManager for Godot: A dynamic chunk management system for 2D games in Godot, enabling efficient loading and unloading of tile chunks based on player position. Utilizes noise generation for varied terrain types, including water, sand, and grass, optimizing performance for large game worlds.
Load/Surf/Interact with 3D models via URLs at runtime.XR Fragments is a tiny specification for viewing 3D models as linkable AR/VR websites.Address and Control anything inside a 3D model with W3C Media Fragments and URI Templates.Simply SURF a 3D file-verse and design for a Spatial Open Internet with the highest degree of interoperability.
The 3 Axies starter 3D: Buba, Pomodoro and Puffy
A forest scene that utilises Godot 4's new volumetric fog/lighting system.Just experimenting with Godot 4's new volumetrics system. Managed to get some very pretty looking volumetric lighting and a bit of fog in a forest setting.
Example showing widgets by codeFeatures:Button LinkButtonLabelTextureRectPanelCheckBox CheckButtonColorPickerButtonLineEditHSeparatorItemListTreeTextEditMenuBar + PopupMenu
Example showing a game menu by codeFeatures:3 tabs (Main, Settings, Help)new game, exitcredits with popupresolution selectionfull screen checkboxhelp screen
Example showing 2d drawing by codeFeatures:line multiline polylinerectanglecirclestring multiline_stringarctexturedashed_linepolygonAlso includes label and button