A freely inspired implementation of StateCharts (complex state machines) for Godot. This plugin provides States composition with subStates (and sub-...-sub-States), regions (ie parallel States), history (you can store the last active states easily) and helper functions in the "easy-to-use nodes that I move around" philosophy of Godot.Timers and easy animation playing as a bonus!Now with a StateRoot, pending States, substates call, an active states list, arguments to a state_change, some debug help and an active States history ! (look in the readme on gitlab)Last edit: 1.6.1: Careful might break if update !!!- corrected signals and pending_state to have State params- added change_state_to(state_node)- possible to call change_state(), calls change_state_to(self)- next_state() and prev_state()- removed goto_state() (was unused)1.5.7:- A default animation name can be specified in the inspector- Indented debug text if nested state change calls- Icon and icon colors changes
An addon to run sequential and parallel animations with few line of codes compared to Tween
"VRM" is a file format for handling 3D humanoid avatar (3D model) data for VR applications. It is based on glTF2.0. ( https://vrm.dev/en )** Now compatible with Godot 3.4 and GLES2 **This asset provides an importer for VRM characters, as well as a full implementation of the MToon Shader for Godot Engine. Enable the addons in "Project Settings..." → "Plugins"「VRM」はVRアプリケーション向けの人型3Dアバター(3Dモデル)データを扱うためのファイルフォーマットです。glTF2.0をベースとしており、誰でも自由に利用することができます。 ( https://vrm.dev )** Godot 3.4とGLES2のサポートが追加されました! **このアセットは、VRMの3Dアバターのインポーターを提供します。また、VRM Addon とは別に Godot 用の MToon シェーダーも同梱されています。「プロジェクト設定...」→「プラグイン」で有効にする。
This plugin adds support for the Oculus Quest and Quest 2 VR headsets to Godot.
gDAW introduces custom nodes that allow devs to generate sound effects in real-time, using ADSR envelopes.
Launchy is a tool used to quickly and easily launch your favorite external editor when you wish to modify a resource in your project folder. You can associate editors with a specific Resource type or a group of resource types.
Lite wrappers for Firebase App, Firebase Auth, and Firebase Database. (No Firestore or Cloud Storage as of yet.)Godot Firebase Lite promotes the pattern of using yield() for all of the CRUD methods (which saves a lot of signal wiring).INSTALLATIONIf installing from Godot's AssetLib Package Installer:1. Unselect all files and then select only the folders you need: - firebase_app_lite (required) - firebase_auth_lite (optional) - firebase_database_lite (optional)2. Create a `firebase` global namespace (AutoLoad Singleton) by going into Project Settings > AutoLoad tab, and add a new entry with the following settings: - Path: res://firebase_app_lite/firebase.gd (or wherever you put it) - Name: firebase (note this is all lower case) - Singleton: [x] Enable3. See https://github.com/juanitogan/godot-firebase-lite for usage
Shows what you are doing in the Godot Editor as your Discord presence.Supports Windows, Linux and OSXGodot >= 3.2.2Features- Updates the presence in real-time- Two customizable URL buttons- Supports showing scripts like GDScript, VisualScript, NativeScript and CSharpScript- Automatically reconnects to the Discord client- Two modes for updating timestamp (start of the project vs whenever the screen changes)Customize the plugin in:Project Settings -> Discord Presence
Short adventure/narrative game to showcase Escoria, the point & click template for Godot:https://godotengine.org/asset-library/asset/505It's used as a basis for the Escoria manual, which describes its internal mechanics:https://fr.flossmanuals.net/creating-point-and-click-games-with-escoria/
Adds a 'Lock to view' toggle to the camera node, which forces the camera to follow the editor preview allowing for extremely easier camera positioning.More quality of life camera features tba
Draw anywhere in the Godot Editor. Supports multiple pen sizes and colors.Features- Floating, draggable toolbar- Change pen size and color- Draw over Popups- Easy keyboard shortcutsGlobal ShortcutsCtrl + ` : Toggle draw modeCtrl + F1 : Toggle the toolbarDraw mode ShortcutsLeft Click : Draw lineRight Click: Exit draw modeC : Clear all linesZ : Clear last lineR : Reset the toolbar positionScroll to change pen sizeFor Usage and Keyboard Shortcuts,see github repo: https://github.com/3ddelano/draw-anywhere-godot
CardEngine is a framework to create card games for the Godot Engine. Non-exhaustive features list: * Dedicated editor UI to manipulate CardEngine's objects * Database system to manage cards * Fully customizable Container widget to arrange cards on a grid or along a path * Board widget to create complex interactions * Fully customizable Animations * Drag and drop support