A simlpe script to make screenshots and save it as png file in a custom directory.There is a simple test scene "demo.tscn" where you can test the script if you want (Press F11 to make screenshots).Otherwise you can just download/copy the screenshot.gd from the scripts folder into your project folder.Script Settings:- Shortcut Action: The name of an action from the Input Map that should trigger the screenshot creation.- File Prefix: An optional prefix for the filenames, you can leave it empty. - File Tag: At the moment you can choose between two timestamps that becomes part of the file name. 1. A simple date + time stamp or 2. A unix timestamp.- Output Path: The directory where you want to save your screenshots.
Extension to the base KinematicBody with support for step height and slope handling.
Redux for Godot is a tool written in gdscript for handling and better organizing state management. It is completely inspired by, and is a subset of, the Redux javascript package often used in React web apps.
Disclaimer: This is an experimental plugin for prototyping multiplayer games. It is not ready to production and may it will not be released in its final form due to security reasons.
Godot Engine (v3.0) screen manager with config factory to support loading screen config using ConfigFile.See example project for some usage.
Script created to ease the creation and implementation of traditional card games
This plugin enables a dock that let you transfer all the animations from the AnimationPlayer to the AnimationTreePlayer as animation Nodes.Steps:1) select the AnimationPlayer and press the LOAD button in the ImportAnim window2) select the AnimationTreePlayer and press the IMPORT button3) refresh the AnimationTreePlayer selecting another node and selecting again the AnimationTreePlayerYou can optionally SAVE all the animations, present in the AnimationPlayer, as separate files (saved in res://animations)known bugs: once you import all the animations in the AnimationTreePlayer the nodes don't show up immediately, you have to select another node and then select again the AnimationTreePlayer
/!\ This module is deprecated !!! See PythonScript module (https://godotengine.org/asset-library/asset/179) instead /!\ /!\ This module requires to restart Godot once installed /!\Introduction------------This is a beta version of the Python module for Godot.You are likely to encounter bugs and catastrophic crashes, if so pleasereport them to https://github.com/touilleMan/godot-python/issues.Working features----------------Every Godot core features are expected to work fine:- builtins (e.g. Vector2)- Objects classes (e.g. Node)- signals- variable export- rpc synchronisationOn top of that, mixing GDscript and Python code inside a project should work fine.Python and pip are working, however depending on platform and backend they- on Windows+CPython use `python.exe` and `python.exe -m pip`- on Linux+CPython `bin/python` and `bin/pip` are provided out of the box.However you must provide path to `libpython3.6m.so` to make them run:```$ LD_LIBRARY_PATH=`pwd`/lib ./bin/pip3 --version$ LD_LIBRARY_PATH=`pwd`/lib ./bin/python --version```- on Linux+Pypy `bin/pypy` runs like a charm, you should use ensurepip toinstall pip:```$ bin/pypy -m ensurepip$ bin/pypy -m pip --version```Not so well features--------------------Memory management is a big issue (given Godot and Python garbage collectors should be synchronized)so leaks are possible (hence Godot complaining there is still MemoryPool allocs in use at exit...).Exporting the project hasn't been tested at all (however exporting for linux should be pretty simple andmay work out of the box...).Have fun ;-)- touilleMan
An easy "plug and play" camera control script. Useful for development and quick tests.Features: - mouselook - movement - ingame gui (optional)How to use:There is a demo scene in the demo folder where you can test all features and play with the script settings.If you don't need the demo just ignore the demo folder and connect your camera with the "camera_control.gd" script that can be found in the script folder.Documentation and more infos can be found in the asset folder or on Github.
Godot-Stuff Logger (gs_logger)A GDScript based logging utility, it provides a very low level way to debug your Games. There are different Appenders and Layouts available that let you control how the logger output is delivered.Features* low overhead* simple to include in your projects* eight different logging levels* output to console or filesystem* html output available (experimental)This version supports the Godot Version 3.0 releases.For more information follow this linkhttps://gitlab.com/godot-stuff/gs-logger/blob/master/README.md
This script loads a WAD level data from games like DOOM, DOOM2, Heretic, Strife etc. and present it as mesh into your Godot project.
A simple implementation of a variation on a finite state machine that uses a 'pushdown' stack arrangement to handle states.Attach an instance of the finite_stack_machine.gd class to any entity in your Godot scene. Push new states to the top or bottom of your 'state stack' to control the flow of behavior.The demo shows of some of the features. I've only done limited testing on the on_start and on_end transitions of states, but so far everything seems to be working. Please make an issue if something isn't working!Still in an early version with some planned features missing: better input event handling, perhaps hierarchical states, etc.