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Edit Resources as Table 2 icon image
Edit Resources as Table 2

A plugin for Godot 3 (and now 4!) that adds a tab for editing folders of Resources as data tables.- Edit Text, Numbers, Bools and Colors even without the Inspector, and Resources and Enums with it;- Select multiple cells in one column (Shift/Ctrl+Click) to edit them in the Inspector simultaneously;- Multi-cell text editing with commonly used text navigation keybindings. Now with text cursors actually visible!- CSV table support - Import, Export or Edit directly!- Edit folders containing several resource types, or subfolders with more resources- Open a column of resources or resource arrays as a separate table, works even with built-in resources- Copy and Paste Cells (one text line, one cell; supports most datatypes);- Special mass operations for some datatypes:- - Multiply/add numbers;- - Rotate color hues/adjust sat/val/RGB;- - Chop texture into atlas, assign results to each selected resource;- - Add and remove items in arrays, including enum and resource arrays;- - Set and erase values in dictionaries, rename keys;- Sort entries by column;- Use a GDScript expression to search/filter, or modify cell values en masse;- Only show resources of a specified class, with or without subclasses- Row stylization (color-type cells change look of the row until next color-type);- Saves recently opened folders between sessions.For always-up-to-date builds, clone: a bug? Need a feature? Don't hesitate to post an issue on the repository above!For available keybindings, please refer to the included About menu or a sample dataset, check out the Example folder.

About Godot Asset Library

Godot Asset Library is a free and Open Source asset library for the Godot Engine maintained by the Godot Asset Library community on GitHub. Explore assets created by the Godot Engine community, and kickstart your development with quality assets from Godot Asset Library

Open Source

Released under the AGPLv3 license

Plug and Play

Browse assets directly from Godot

Community Driven

Created by developers for developers