A node that adds mouse, keyboard and gesture zooming, panning and dragging to Camera2D. Exported properties:- zoom_factor (multiplies Camera2D.zoom each mouse wheel scroll)- zoom_min (minimum Camera2D.zoom)- zoom_max (maximum Camera2D.zoom)- zoom limited (if true, MapCamera2D.zoom_min is effectively increased to stay within limits)- zoom_relative (if true, mouse zooming is done relative to the cursor)- zoom_keyboard (if true, zooming can also be done with the plus and minus keys)- pan_speed (adds to Camera2D.offset while the cursor is near the viewport's edges)- pan_margin (maximum number of pixels away from the viewport's edges for the cursor to be considered near)- pan_keyboard (if true, panning can also be done with the arrow keys)- drag (if true, the map can be dragged while holding the left mouse button)- drag_inertia (multiplies the final drag movement each second)
Loggot is a Godot add-on that allow total control on logs.
JavaScript Signals for Godot! Vue, Solid.js, Qwik like syntax in Godot.Make your code reactive!
Godot PostgreSQL Client is a GDscript script / class that allows you to connect to a Postgres backend and run SQL commands there. It is able to send data and receive it from the backend. Useful for managing player user data on a multiplayer game, by saving a large amount of data on a dedicated Postgres server from GDscript.The class is written in pure GDScript which allows it not to depend on GDExtention. This makes it ultra portable for many platforms.Detailed documentation: https://github.com/Marzin-bot/PostgreSQLClient/wiki/Documentation
Godot Gameplay Systems (formerly godot gameplay attributes) is a set of nodes and resources which speed up development of your gameplay mechanisms.Currently it provides:- An Attributes base system (complete with buff/debuff)- An Ability base system- A camera shake node- A slide show node for your game intro- Equipment base system- Inventory base system- Interactions system (base)- Loot and drop system- Point and click nodes (both 2d and 3d)- Turn based nodes- User interface controls (radial menu container)
These are support scenes for creating AR and VR applications in Godot. They need to be used in combination with one of the AR or VR interfaces.This plugin has been tested with Godot 3.4, it may work with earlier versions.Documentation is provided here:https://github.com/GodotVR/godot-xr-tools/wiki
Logger is a GDScript singleton that provides a logging API for Godot projects.It allows logging messages with different levels (error, warning, info, debug, verbose) and user-defined modules/channels. The output can be done to the console/terminal, to files, or to a configurable buffer that can be retrieved and displayed in game.NB: The current version is a work in progress, and the API *will* evolve in the near future until a version 1.0 is tagged.
Godot Http Client LibraryBiblioteca Http para Godot.
Display the hidden start block in a frame at the top of the script editor.
Flexible player controller for FPS games or any kind of game with first person camera.Features:- walk in any kind of map with collision- stick to elevators and moving platforms- ready to use, simply drag'n'drop, set the kind of weapon, and it's ready.- flexible weapon architecture for custom weapons- climbs stairs and slopes properly- easy sound system- impact effects, like fire, acid and explosion.Doesn't contain:- assets like meshes and sounds.
MMO Client for KrakenFramework
The name-generator class is a GDScript 'static' class that provides a random name generation for Godot Engine.