This add-on provides a node that generates linear stairs using CSG.
The uuid class is a GDScript 'static' class that provides a unique identifier generation for Godot Engine.
A game template for making match3 game
A simple Godot networking system for connecting to an online server, spawning players, and updating positions.
A simple 3D 100-line free-look camera for Godot 4 that mimics some of the functionality of the editor's camera for in-game use. See the "godot-3" branch on the GitHub repo for a version that works with Godot 3.Use W and S to move forward and backward.Use A and D to move left and right.Use Q and E to move up and down.Roll the scroll wheel to increase and decrease movement speed.Hold down the right mouse button to rotate the camera. There's a slider in the editor to control mouse sensitivity.Install it by attaching to your Camera3D node.
Godot Gameplay Systems (formerly godot gameplay attributes) is a set of nodes and resources which speed up development of your gameplay mechanisms.Currently it provides:- An Attributes base system (complete with buff/debuff)- An Ability base system- A camera shake node- A slide show node for your game intro- Equipment base system- Inventory base system- Interactions system (base)- Loot and drop system- Point and click nodes (both 2d and 3d)- Turn based nodes- User interface controls (radial menu container)
A player with basic first-person controls. Ready to use with no configuration required. It's that simple.
Blender's 3D transforming shortcuts in GodotThis version is only compatible with Godot 4.x, check out godot3( branch for older versionFeatures- Transform with "G", "R", "S" keys and "H" key to hide- Revert transformation with "ALT" modifier- Visualize constraint axis- Work seamlessly with Godot Spatial Editor settings("Use Local Space", "Use Snap", "Snap Settings")- Type transform value- Switch display mode with "Z"Shortcuts- Translate: G- Rotate: R- Scale: S- Revert Translation: ALT + G- Revert Rotation: ALT + R- Revert Scale: ALT + S- Constraint to Single Axis: X or Y or Z- Constraint to Plane: SHIFT + (X or Y or Z)- Delete: X- Hide: H- Precision Mode(while transforming with mouse): SHIFT- Toggle Global/Local mode(non-persistent): XX or YY or ZZ- Switch Spatial Editor Viewport Display Mode: Zv0.3.2:Add right click undoFixes Z pie eating key inputsFix unable to expand nested resource editor in inspectorFix freelook issuev0.3.1:Fix error when rotate with snappingAdd node delete action and pie menu for switching viewport display modev0.3.0:Port to Godot 4.0v0.2.1:Support multiple viewports and bugfixesv0.2.0:Greatly improve usability of addon and fix some minor bugs.Added some new feature like "SHIFT" for precision while transforming, xx/yy/zz to toggle between global/local mode, infinite mouse movement when translating or scaling and switching display mode with "Z" key.
A GDScript thread pool to asynchronously execute tasks.
This is a platformer class with many tweakable settings which can be used to control a 2D character (think supermario 1).##Features- Double jump- Coyote time- Jump buffer- Hold jump to go higher- Defining jump height and duration (as opposed to setting gravity and jump velocity)- Assymetrical jumps (falling faster than rising)
A template for quickly getting started with WebXR projects in Godot.
3 Classes that brings hex detection, 3D LOS, distance, influence, shortest path ... all you need to build a classical boardgame based on a single image hex map. A demo in the source tree.