A template for quickly getting started with WebXR projects in Godot.
Godot 4 Fast-Paced (Authoritative Server) Game + Network Framework for FPS and TPS Games with working Example and DocumentationNetwork features- Client-side prediction of player entities- Client-side interpolation of remote entities- Backwards reconciliation and replay- Real-time adjustment of client simulation speed to optimize server's input buffer (Overwatch's method).- Server-side lag compensation- Master server in godot (without 3d)- Master and multi clients in one project (split screen)- Optimized netcode (Quake, Overwatch, Valve methods)- Remote de(activation) of player components- Ready to use godot nodes (ex. ServerPlayer, ServerWorld, ServerLogic..)- Server variable sharing between server and client (ServerVars)- RCON Implementation for Server ManagementPhysics- Full implemented TPS and FPS Movement (Quake style)- Crouching- Customizeable movementHelpersComponent system (for extending characters and game world)Registration services (Full threaded services like Networking)Async world loaderand many more helpfull tools
Game jam template for Godot 4Features* Dialogue system* Settings & keybinds* Saving and loading* 2d players (sidescroller, top-down, click to move)* Title screen and credits* Interactable object
A forest scene that utilises Godot 4's new volumetric fog/lighting system.Just experimenting with Godot 4's new volumetrics system. Managed to get some very pretty looking volumetric lighting and a bit of fog in a forest setting.
A simple Godot networking system for connecting to an online server, spawning players, and updating positions.
Allows to manage and create mods for any game made in Godot. See the repository README for more details.
A game template for making match3 game
Example showing a game menu by codeFeatures:3 tabs (Main, Settings, Help)new game, exitcredits with popupresolution selectionfull screen checkboxhelp screen
This is a simple fps template made for speeding up development of fps games.Main level was made using the devblocks add-on with kenneys dev textures.
This is a thirdperson controller made with C# in the .NET version of Godot 4.0. It doesn't have sounds or a complex model so you just have what you really need.It rotates your input and smoothly rotates your mesh to the camera rotation.You can watch the great demo video
Ever want to have the chess game made in Godot?Well, don't. This was a tough project.Includes:Legal movesCastlingWin Conditions (capture King)En PassantHave fun with it!
1.Randomly set cell2.smooth3.eliminate small hole and wall4.connect all rooms to main room
A third person game made in Godot with a sketchy screen shader. This project can be used as a starting point or as a reference for making certain systems in Godot.Written in GDScript only.Using Godot 4.0.2 with the forward renderer.
Example showing widgets by codeFeatures:Button LinkButtonLabelTextureRectPanelCheckBox CheckButtonColorPickerButtonLineEditHSeparatorItemListTreeTextEditMenuBar + PopupMenu
Candy Wrapper is a Looping Arcade Action Platformer!- Leap through an infinite void!- Squish Sweets & Candies (;- 20 Levels of Screen-Wrapping Action!- Jam out to energetic beats <3Candy Wrapper was first created in under 24 hours during the "100 Lines of Code GameMaker Jam" of May 2018.Built with Godot 4.1
Godette Rig 2D for Godot 4This was made with Skeleton2D and Polygon2D. This is full-body and has hair physics.License applies to art as well.Yes, I know there a bunch of errors... but it runs fine? 😓
Example showing 2d drawing by codeFeatures:line multiline polylinerectanglecirclestring multiline_stringarctexturedashed_linepolygonAlso includes label and button
Point and click template for Godot 4
The Connector example shows how to setup and use the SmartFox client API object, establish a connection to the server and login. It also shows how to deal with the different requirements of the Godot build targets, making use of a few conditional compilation statements.
This Project is the last in a series of three in which we lay the foundations for a lobby application to be used as a template in multiplayer game development.
This example expands the one described in the Lobby: Basics tutorial by adding a friends list to the Lobby scene, with icons to represent the state of friends, controls to add, remove and block them and a panel to exchange private messages.
This is a very simple template of a top-down 2D twin stick shoot-em-up.This includes:- Enemies- Player- Gun- Shaky Cam- Sound- Too many particle effects- Things to collect- (new) revival
First person controller for Godot 4.1
This project is a template for creating advanced Third/First Person movement in GodotSupports CharacterBody3D, and RigidBody3D.Current Features :Stance System :StandCrouchGait System :WalkRunSprintView Mode System :First PersonThird PersonSmooth Rotation System :Velocity DirectionLooking Direction : In Place Rotation and orientation warpingInAir RotationAim RotationDistance Matching :Stop AnimationOrientation warpingMotion warpingCamera system :FOV change on speedCamera Inertia Flashlight(G) To toggle High graphics : SDFGI (Global illumination),SSIL, SSAO,SSR,Glowgithub : https://github.com/ywmaa/Advanced-Movement-System-Godot