This tool is meant to help 3D asset pack creators on their work to make more appealing their packs. Creating 3D previews of each 3D model and creating a customizable Overview.html web file.
GDCalculator is a simple yet usefull application written by ghgltggamer and developed in Godot Open Source Game Engine 3. The main moive behind this project was to promote the OpenSource Community and Help the Developers to add an advanced Calculator feature in there Projects. This is a fully Open Source Project.
A work in progress 2D fluid physics simulation made in Godot v4+the simulator uses bodies created via script using PhysicsServer2D, for every body a canvas item is created and updated to follow the body. Then, a custom shader is used to make it look like it's water.The project also features:2 different types of pointer deactivable rigidBody pointer gravitational pointer and testing areaThere's no cohesion between particles yet.No credits needed.
This is a game that uses Tweening to create satisfying animations while you suck leaves into a magic vortex. Showcase/ tutorial for this game is here, and linked below: all my assets here:
This example lays the foundations for a lobby application to be used as a template in multiplayer game development. A lobby is a staging area which players access before joining the actual game. In a lobby, users can usually customize their profile, chat with friends, search for a game to join or launch a new game, invite friends to play and more.
The Tic-Tac-Toe example shows how to develop a full multiplayer turn-based game with Godot and SmartFoxServer 2X by implementing the well-known paper-and-pencil game for two players also known as Noughts and Crosses.
This Project is the last in a series of three in which we lay the foundations for a lobby application to be used as a template in multiplayer game development.
This example expands the one described in the Lobby: Basics tutorial by adding a friends list to the Lobby scene, with icons to represent the state of friends, controls to add, remove and block them and a panel to exchange private messages.
The Connector example shows how to setup and use the SmartFox client API object, establish a connection to the server and login. It also shows how to deal with the different requirements of the Godot build targets, making use of a few conditional compilation statements.
Candy Wrapper is a Looping Arcade Action Platformer!- Leap through an infinite void!- Squish Sweets & Candies (;- 20 Levels of Screen-Wrapping Action!- Jam out to energetic beats <3Candy Wrapper was first created in under 24 hours during the "100 Lines of Code GameMaker Jam" of May 2018.Built with Godot 4.1
A third person game made in Godot with a sketchy screen shader. This project can be used as a starting point or as a reference for making certain systems in Godot.Written in GDScript only.Using Godot 4.0.2 with the forward renderer.
Ever want to have the chess game made in Godot?Well, don't. This was a tough project.Includes:Legal movesCastlingWin Conditions (capture King)En PassantHave fun with it!
Allows to manage and create mods for any game made in Godot. See the repository README for more details.
A simple 2D Action Game.The Player can move and attack in 4 Directions.He can lose and collect Hearts through Enemys and floating Hearts inside a Level.
Godette Rig 2D for Godot 4This was made with Skeleton2D and Polygon2D. This is full-body and has hair physics.License applies to art as well.Yes, I know there a bunch of errors... but it runs fine? 😓
This plugin was created to help you work with subtitles inside Godot. It allowes you to import an srt format subtitle file into any scene.It works by converting the SRT file into a Godot Animation Resource. This way you can use any AnimationPlayer and RichLabelText node to play the subtitle.The reason behind using an Animation Resouce is to take advantage of the power of animations in Godot. Once the animation is created, all the information is compressed and managed by the engine just like any other resource.
Godot 4 Fast-Paced (Authoritative Server) Game + Network Framework for FPS and TPS Games with working Example and DocumentationNetwork features- Client-side prediction of player entities- Client-side interpolation of remote entities- Backwards reconciliation and replay- Real-time adjustment of client simulation speed to optimize server's input buffer (Overwatch's method).- Server-side lag compensation- Master server in godot (without 3d)- Master and multi clients in one project (split screen)- Optimized netcode (Quake, Overwatch, Valve methods)- Remote de(activation) of player components- Ready to use godot nodes (ex. ServerPlayer, ServerWorld, ServerLogic..)- Server variable sharing between server and client (ServerVars)- RCON Implementation for Server ManagementPhysics- Full implemented TPS and FPS Movement (Quake style)- Crouching- Customizeable movementHelpersComponent system (for extending characters and game world)Registration services (Full threaded services like Networking)Async world loaderand many more helpfull tools
Clean audio/music player. Uses ResourcePreloader to load audio files. Features* setup loop and loop offset with Godot's Import Tab * autoplay, activate a file and it will continue playing the next file* playlist, quickly create playlist by Ctrl/Shift selecting multiple files* Pause, Skip, Fast Forward, Volume and More controls with shortcuts.* Spectrum analyzerNote: it use more memory than a native audio player, since all audio is preloaded.
A Multiplayer Lobby
Make you own 3 by 3 Mondrian easily with drag & drop and practice your artistic eye for ratio's and color.Example of how to use H/VSplitContainers, Drag & Drop and Screen Capture addon.
An old school "beat-em-up" or brawler genre game ala Altered Beast, or Golden Axe complete with Parallax scrolling background, On-screen controls for mobile/touchscreen devices, Gamepad support (in addition to Keyboard) a splash screen and is ready to be played locally or exported to an application
A simple project that uses cells from tilemaps to construct paths between origin and target position with a custom A* based Pathfinder written in GDscript.
This is a stylized procedural planet generator written in Godot 3.0. It creates oceans, lakes, icy mountains, forests, etc.
Meteorite is a lowres metroidvania FPS, inspired by Metroid Prime, made for LOWREZJAM 2018. Explore a facility on a far away planet, find gun upgrades, and upgrade your movement capabilities to surpass previously unsurmountable obstacles.Important: before running the game you must download a font or you won't see any text. For instructions, see more information you can check out the game's description on
This is a spectral visualizer that analyzes the frequencies of music and sound, written in Godot 3.1. The bar's length and intensity depend on the amplitude of its corresponding frequency.Important: this requires at least Godot 3.1 Alpha Mono edition. Older versions, such as Godot 3.0.x, will not work.Additionally, you need to install some packages using nuget before running the project. See the readme for more information on how to do this:
Use Kenney's 2D graphics as Godot's resources to start playing and prototyping games with easy drag 'n' drop content.Support the project at:
This is the source code of my audio game rpg Ptolem's Singing Catacombs that I made in Godot for my capstone projectYou can learn more about it here: Ptolem's Singing Catacombs:
3D Tetris clone
A mole game
An experimental musical instrument, made with Godot 3.1.The idea is that there are multiple emitters on the screen that periodically spawn balls. When the balls touch a line, a sound is emitted. The kind of sound depends on the color of the ball, and the pitch of the sound depends on the velocity of the ball.You can draw lines by holding the left mouse button and erase them again by pressing the right mouse button.You can get the executables here:
Analog stick suitable for using in games on mobile devices and tablets (all touch screen devices)made by Jakub Grzesik ( to v 3.1 and example by (Sami Hadef)permission by Jakub Grzesik
The Godot Open Dialogue is a non-linear conversation system that uses JSON files to handle complex dialogues.
A bench marking project for Godot 3.1 2D Lighting and Shadows.
this is a project made to test the multiplayer api, not necessarily the best implementation though
A basic first-person character for easy implementation.
This tool allows you to figure out which button on the Oculus Quest Touch Controllers corresponds to which button ID.